Rachel Solly

Friday, January 22, 2010

just keepin it real

Sometimes, after being woken up by someone pinching your nose, and then feeling as if you are in a funky fog for most of the day, you may contemplate completely purging and scrubbing down your laundry room.  But then you may look again and say naa, not today.  And then when big sister gets a cup of bubbles poured on her head by the little sister in the playhouse above and she is crying while the other punks laugh hysterically, you may wonder when things are going to get better for this day.  Then you look at the calendar and it SAYS January 22 but your kitchen looks like this:

aaaand there is a half naked tree in your living room that is deader than dead you may say now THERE is the job I need to complete today.  Well, okay, lets at least work on it.  So then you may decide to put on your thinkin' cap like this

and realize that this day has not been all bad!  The teenager got an A in math today, it was a beautiful warm day with all kinds of outside play for the kiddos (hence the bubble incident) and you remember that Project Runway is on tonight!  And this...

is waiting for you after the angels are snuggled sweetly in dream land.  Sometimes a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.

p.s. gorgeous martini glasses were a gift from my sweet hubby who understands that some days just need a pink drink in a beautiful glass.  (from anthropologie)


  1. Love your new blog, and the fact that you're keepin' it real. Makes me feel right at home! Hope your martini(s) were perfect!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogs, Rachel! :) I need to get back in to posting on my regularly now...
    Have fun! :)


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