Rachel Solly

Saturday, March 20, 2010

home again

We are settled back into regular life.  It was a really amazing trip in so many ways.  I think Shannon and I  were both changed by it in our own ways and I believe our relationship changed as well.  It wasn't just a trip.  It is hard to explain I guess.  We missed our kids but enjoyed every second of our time together.  I was afraid I would let missing the little ones keep me from living in the moment but it just never happened.

I have to admit we had about 2 days of a vacation hangover.  We missed having uninterrupted conversations and no one demanding anything.  It was a little like being on a honeymoon then coming home to 4 kids.  Yeah, I dare your average newlywed to try that one!

But...here we sit...back in the groove.  I do love my simply little life.  Hahaha.  I just reread that last sentence.  Did I say simple?  hahahahahahhah  simple?  It isn't simple, but it is good!

On to the good stuff!  It was really like two different trips so I will start with Cali.
We barely made our flight out of Houston!  We had to RUN and were the last ones to board.  Great way to start your morning after zero sleep!  We arrived in LA and spent a few days with Shannon's business partners.  They are originally from Israel and were wonderful in giving us a glimpse into the culture.  Oh my goodness....THE FOOD!  It was amazing!

And they do all these wonderful salads.  Not like our salads.  Even the green salad is finely chopped.  There were a couple that were recognizable like egg salad and avocado salad but most were so totally different in flavor.  I thought there was vinegar in them but found out it was mostly lemon juice and olive oil.  Lots of fresh herbs as well.  

Our friends ordered lunch for us and Shannon and I totally thought the huge selection of salads and bread were our meal (they ordered in Hebrew) but then they brought yummy lamb kabobs and beef kabobs as well!  I was too busy eating to take any pics.

That evening, we enjoyed a Jewish Shabbat with a beautiful family.  It was a wonderful night and inspiring as well.  I think that the Christian Lord's supper was intended to be more like a Shabbat than the "church ceremony" I was raised with.  It was a family meal around the table that was a celebration and a remembrance.  It really has me thinking of how I would like to incorporate a similar event into our lives.  Have you ever experienced a Shabbat?

I was ready to crash in exhaustion (remember we still haven't slept and a 2 hour time difference from Texas).  But, oh no, Shannon and our host, Guy, had other plans!  They REALLY love to talk!  So, eventually I crashed in one of the kids rooms for a nap!

I will show you the amazing, beautiful, gorgeous hotel where we stayed next.  It's gooooood!


  1. Looks delish! Glad that you had fun and that you enjoy your regular life!

  2. hope your feeling refreshed =)

  3. I think I just went into a food coma. That all looks freaking amazing :)


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